Home » Heritage
Cantieri di Pisa’s legacy is not merely a chronicle of nautical engineering, but a tapestry woven with the extraordinary tales of our esteemed shipowners.
Since our inception in 1960, each yacht that has set sail under our banner has carried a unique narrative of luxury, adventure and unparalleled craftsmanship.
Today, we proudly introduce The Heritage Project, an initiative to celebrate and immortalize these stories: we invite our elite community to join us in tracing the lineage of our distinguished vessels, enriching our storied history with personal accounts that transcend time and tide.
Every Cantieri di Pisa yacht is an exclusive creation that embodies the unique spirit of its owner and the prestige of our brand: now, the Heritage Project calls upon the devoted custodians of our historical models to come forward and share their remarkable journeys.
By contributing your experiences, you will honor the grandeur of your seafaring adventures and fortify the communal heritage of Cantieri di Pisa.
/ Pisa Company Register REA: 02560560993
/ VAT number: 02560560993
/ Share Capital 15.000€